Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poem to my Brothers


by Rachel Roberts 2014

Harsh, hard, hateful
That’s a brother

Caring, helpful, loving
That’s a brother

I have six
I know how they are

One is a writer
A kind heart
A man with words  

One is a worker
A teaser
A man that can shoulder any burden

One is a learner
A mathematician
          A man with knowledge

One is an animal tamer
An imaginer
A man with the tongue of beasts

One is a creator
A friend
A man with artists’ eyes

One is just too little
 Too young to be a man just yet

Yes, I know how brothers are
None exactly the same

Loud, quite, mean, nice
That’s a brother.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Texture of hope


The Texture of Hope

by Rachel Roberts

It's soft and warm
like the fur of a cat,
warmed by the fire.

It is like ocean waves,
always coming back 
at the least expected time.

It is solid like a tree,
rooting you to the ground.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Watching my mother

Watching my mother

by Rachel Roberts 5/2014

Ever since I was young I have watched her, my mother.

I have watched her hold babies, her arms forming a cradle of love.

With bright innocent diamond eyes, I have watched her clean weeping wounds

With curious hands I have helped her cook and clean for our needy house.

With listening and hopeful ears I have heard her sing, cry, and comfort her family

I have often wondered if I will ever be a mother as she is to me.

I want someday to have a glowing little jewel of a girl

Who will see me as the Angel, super hero, and friend I see in my mother.

Who will tell me her darkest secrets and worst heart breaks.

And to get this, a family, a little girl, and happiness, I need only watch my mother.

Watch her cook and clean for my needy house.

Watch her work till her eyes dreamy from deprived sleep, but still tells us she loves us.

She is my Rock, holding me up when my life becomes a whirlwind

She tells me she wants me to be wise, strong, and joyful.

I'll answer, "I'll watch you my mother, I will watch you."

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Father's Light

My father’s light

by Rachel Roberts
Cold, dark, consuming 
is this wood where I stand.
Alone without a soul to be found
I started on the path 
but somehow lost my way.
Running now heart pounding, legs on fire, 
I can find another path.
But I trip and I’m even deeper in this cold
Darkness of a wood.
The path was not cold or dark. 

It was light and hope.
Hope that someday I would find home.
Home where father and mother are.
Home were brothers and sisters are.
Where is the path? Will I ever find it again?
But I know I’m not good enough,
Too late for me, 
I’ll just stay here in the Darkness alone. 
Because I’m good enough.
Sobbing, broken, when a voice fills me.
Just a mere whisper on the wind, no more.
“Come child” it says kindly, “don’t despair, follow.”
Light appears, a round light, a leading light
I follow the light back through the cold darkness.
 The light leads me back to the path, it’s always strait.
Always narrow, always safe, always calm,
And I start anew on the path walking home.
I will fall again but I know my fathers light, 
the light of my fathers love, 
will always guide me back.
Because the path leads home.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Yin and Yang


by Rachel Roberts
My sister and I are yin and yang
She is as neat as a pin
While, I’m a bull in a china shop

She is my shadow
My better half

I have memories as sweet as candy
Like a warm summer days
Tasting a cherry Popsicle on my tongue
Me talking, her listening

My sister and I are yin and yang
She likes sitting quietly
 And listening with interested ears
While I like to talk and tell
With a mouth that jabbers

I have memories of singing
 On dark nights
Her quite words mingling with my loud

My sister and I are yin and yang
She like a soft eyed doe, skittish and silent
Me like a roaster in the early morning, 
crowing to the world

My sister and I are yin and yang
But that does not mean I love her
My shadow
My comfort
My yin

My father


My Father

by Rachel Roberts

I have a man in my life
Who has taught me more
Than most and loved me more
Than any

He has taught me
Math that makes
My head want to fall off 

He has loved me
Enough to take
Me to hot and dry
Deserts and tall
Mountain’s tops
He has taught me
Boys are best Avoided
I’m still not
Sure he is right

Some days I am none
Too happy with him
Some days I know
He is my best friend
But I’m always his

I’m his girla because
He has treated me
As such

In a crew of motley
And rude brothers
When I’m brought
To tears he is there
To love me and treat
Me like a lady

Love my sweet
Father, dad, and friend
Love your girla